Hi there,Just a quick note to pass along... If you know someone who is spending too much time finding parts to keep their plants running, please consider sharing this opportunity:Elm Analytics, a leading provider of supply chain mapping and risk analytic services, seeks small to mid-sized automotive manufacturing firms to participate in a beta test of its new supply chain mapping platform.The platform delivers mapping services, impact event notifications, chokepoint analytics, and other value-added business intelligence.The ideal candidate will have 2-25 plants sourcing goods from a direct supplier base of 50-500 domestic and international suppliers. The mapping exercise will take 90 days at no cost to the participating manufacturer.Interested supply chain managers should contact ELM at +1 (248) 660-9356 or email at info@elmanalytics.com.The window to participate will close soon. Don't delay!Best,Nick & Steve
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Elm Analytics - Automotive Supply Chain Risk…
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Hi there,Just a quick note to pass along... If you know someone who is spending too much time finding parts to keep their plants running, please consider sharing this opportunity:Elm Analytics, a leading provider of supply chain mapping and risk analytic services, seeks small to mid-sized automotive manufacturing firms to participate in a beta test of its new supply chain mapping platform.The platform delivers mapping services, impact event notifications, chokepoint analytics, and other value-added business intelligence.The ideal candidate will have 2-25 plants sourcing goods from a direct supplier base of 50-500 domestic and international suppliers. The mapping exercise will take 90 days at no cost to the participating manufacturer.Interested supply chain managers should contact ELM at +1 (248) 660-9356 or email at info@elmanalytics.com.The window to participate will close soon. Don't delay!Best,Nick & Steve